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EU Inspections to Control the REACH Authorisation Duties 2021

EU Inspections to Control the REACH Authorisation Duties 2021

EU Inspections to Control the REACH Authorisation Duties 2021

Inspectors will check whether the SVHCs subject to authorisation that have been placed on the market have been granted an authorisation by the European Commission. They will also check whether uses of these substances comply with the conditions set in the authorisation decisions. The inspections will be carried out in collaboration with national customs and authorities responsible for occupational safety and health legislation (OSH) and for environmental protection.
The enforcement activities for REF-9 will be carried out in 2021 and a report on their results will be available towards the end of 2022.
Inspections have also started in a pilot project on recovered substances. The project is the Forum’s first to examine the interface between REACH and the EU’s Waste Framework Directive. It focuses on the exemption that the recycling sector has from registering substances that they have recovered from waste. The project targets recovered substances that fulfil the end-of-waste status.
The pilot project inspections will be carried out in 2021, while the report with the results of the project is expected during summer 2022.

ECHA 22.1.2021

Support and assistance by Ekotox experts concerning the REACH Authorisation Duties

REACH Authorisation

Webinars and online training: https://ekotoxtraining.com/
EKOTOX CENTERS Legislation and Regulatory Compliance Services (goods, articles, registration, notification, EU REACH, CLP…); Safety Data Sheets and products/mixtures registration on the EU member states markets (Poison Centers), UFI and more
• EU Market compliance; Biocides; Cosmetics Safety; Chemicals risk assessment / management

Ekotoxikologické centrum CZ
Centrum Ekotoksykologiczne (PL)
Ekotoxikologické centrum Bratislava, s.r.o. (SK)
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E-mail: ekotox(at)ekotox.eu
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