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Архів новин

5. February 2022

EkotoxInfo 2/2022

EkotoxInfo newsletter is providing selection of actual legislative documents, strategies and iniciatives selected by EKOTOX CENTERS experts. This issue is summarizing the most important activities appeared in January 2022 - certainly based on our opinion. It is not a leguratory comprehensive listing. EKOTOX CENTERS are not accepting any responsibility for using this information. It is provided with good intentions to share what we see is important to highlight.
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European Union
5. February 2022

Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

The European Green Deal. The chemicals strategy for the sustainability. Toxic free environment.
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13. December 2021

Majority of inspected products sold online breach EU chemicals laws

Products sold online breach EU chemicals laws
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12. November 2021

POPs in Waste – EU Commission proposing new strict limits

 The European Commission adopted a proposal to protect human health and the environment from some of the most harmful chemicals in...
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10. November 2021

New EU PCN format

New EU PCN format Annual updates of the format occur in October in line with the IUCLID release schedule. The format is made available as a set of XML schema definition files (XSDs). There is also a data model that shows all relevant fields and their interconnections. Version 4.0, published on 25 October 2021.
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online training
18. October 2021


New webinars in area of the EU legal requirements for products and chemicals published. Highlights: EU Biocides Authorisation “Webinar” -...
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REACH authorisation formats
18. September 2021 / REACH authorisation

Updated application for REACH authorisation formats

New updated format for REACH authorisation applications to use substances of very high concern (SVHCs).
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7. May 2021

4.5.2021 – Revision of EU REACH; Inception Impact Assessment (IIA) on chemicals strategy actions – You Can Comment till 01 June 2021

INCEPTION IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Revision of EU legislation on registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals
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9. February 2021

3.2.2021 – the use of nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) in textiles that are meant for consumers and placed on EU market is limited.

Entry 46a Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) (C2H4O)nC15H24O Conditions of restriction 1. Shall not be placed on the market after 3 February...
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26. January 2021

EU Inspections to Control the REACH Authorisation Duties 2021

Inspectors will check whether the SVHCs subject to authorisation that have been placed on the market have been granted an authorisation by the European Commission. They will also check whether uses of these substances comply with the conditions set in the authorisation decisions. The inspections will be carried out in collaboration with national customs and authorities responsible for occupational safety and health legislation (OSH) and for environmental protection.
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