• +38 066 7330343
  • ekotox(at)ekotox.com.ua // 03110, Kyiv, Solomyansky district, Pirogovsky str. 19/6, Україна

Архів новин

24. April 2022

П’ять речовин додано до списку дозволів ЄС REACH

П’ять речовин додано до списку авторизації REACH. Список авторизації тепер містить 59 записів. П'ять речовин: тетраетилсвинець (TEL) (EC 201-075-4, CAS...
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30. March 2022 / EU REACH

EkotoxInfo 3/2022

EkotoxInfo 3/2022. Main topics, selected news from chemical and related legislation - REACH, CLP, Biocidal Products, EC Webinars focused on the EU REACH reform.
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24. March 2022 / EU REACH

Оновлення поточного плану дій громади на 2022, 2023 та 2024 роки

The Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) update for the years 2022–2024 lists 27 substances suspected of posing a risk to human health or the environment, for evaluation by 10 Member State competent authorities, under the substance evaluation process of the REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (Articles 44 to 48).
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18. March 2022

Картографування потенційно шкідливих хімічних речовин на цілі для досягнення цілі до 2027

The main source of information on chemicals is substance registration dossier submitted under REACH registration. ECHA has created a mapping tool for all registered substances where each substance is assigned to the appropriate category pool. ECHA's goal is to review by 2027 all registered chemicals above 1 tonne per year, assign them to the appropriate category pool and evaluate the further regulatory action of each substance (or group of substances).
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18. March 2022

Новини про біоциди за березень 2022 року

Березневе засідання комітету з біоцидів: Під час засідання комітет прийняв 3 висновки щодо діючих речовин: Використання метилендитіоціаната в сліміцидах (PT12)...
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ekotox web meetings
10. March 2022 / EU REACH

3 x EU REACH Reform Web Meetings – April, May 2022

EU chemicals legislation reform 2022; EU REACH Authorisation; EU REACH Restrictions. 20th of January the European Commission launched a public consultation on the revision of the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). The revision will aim to align the EU chemical rules with the Commission’s ambition for safe and sustainable chemicals and a high level of protection of health and the environment, while preserving the internal market. The planned REACH revision is one of the actions announced in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
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2. March 2022 / REACH authorisation

Case study: Impacts of REACH authorisation of trichloroethylene

Trichloroethylene (TCE) was included on the Candidate List in 2010. Until January 2022 the annual use of TCE in the EU has dropped more than 95 %.
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1. March 2022

Biocides; Germany new rules on national notification: deadline March 31, 2022

Biocidal products placed on the German market before 26 August 2021, must be confirmed/notified by 31 March 2022 if the product is to remain on the market.
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1. March 2022

EU REACH registration information requirements – how to make it properly

EU REACH registration of chemical substances - companies have a duty to improve their registration dossiers
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23. February 2022

Proposal to ban PFASs ‘forever chemicals’ in firefighting foams throughout the EU

The European Chemicals Agency brings forward a proposal for an EU-wide restriction on all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in firefighting foams. 
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