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New EU PCN format

New EU PCN format

The Poison Centre Notification (PCN) format aims to structure the information on hazardous mixtures classified for health or physical hazards available to poison centres in cases of poisoning incidents in the EU.

The format is XML-based and defined by the harmonised requirements laid out in Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation and is incorporated into the PCN dossier preparation tools offered by ECHA. It is also available for companies to prepare their own tools based on the PCN format, for example when using the system to system service. Regardless of which tools are used to prepare, the format must be adhered to.

The PCN format is compatible with IUCLID, a tool developed by ECHA in collaboration with the OECD, which promotes the harmonisation of chemicals data. You can find additional information about this tool on the IUCLID website.

New EU PCN format
Annual updates of the format occur in October in line with the IUCLID release schedule. The format is made available as a set of XML schema definition files (XSDs). There is also a data model that shows all relevant fields and their interconnections.
Version 4.0, published on 25 October 2021.
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