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  • ekotox(at)ekotox.com.ua // 03110, м. Київ, Солом'янський р-н., вул. Кочура Григорія буд. 19 корпус 6

Restrictions under consideration – hazardous contaminants in baby nappies

Restrictions under consideration – hazardous contaminants in baby nappies

Restrictions under consideration – hazardous contaminants in baby nappies

Substances of concern: PAHs, furans, dioxins, PCBs and formaldehyde

ECHA original article link: https://newsletter.echa.europa.eu/home/-/newsletter/entry/keeping-harmful-chemicals-out-of-baby-nappies

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupation Health & Safety (Anses) published in January 2019 the study on baby nappies using the results of tests performed by two different laboratories to check 23 products available on the French market to see if wearing baby nappies can be associated with negative health effects,”.

The risk assessment was based on the laboratory test results and the available literature data. Based on this analysis, could be seen that health thresholds were exceeded for PAHs, furans, dioxins and PCBs and for the sums of these chemicals.

Most of the hazardous chemicals found in baby nappies are considered contaminants because only perfumes and fragrances are intentionally added.

To be able to prepare the restriction proposal, Anses needs more information – the call for evidence is running until 31 March 2020.

Evidence to be gathered covers, for example:

  • the scope of the restriction proposal – types of baby nappies and information about the substances included in the scope;
  • exposure assessment – babies’ exposure to substances, use of single-use nappies in different EU countries;
  • concentration limits and analytical methods – information about standardised methods for testing;
  • alternatives – considering the substances are not intentionally added but contaminants or residues; and
  • socio-economic impact of a possible restriction – taking into account the costs and benefits for all affected actors.

The restriction dossier is expected to be submitted in October 2020.

More information – REACH Restrictions on Ekotox: https://ekotox.com.ua/restrictions/

Actual Ekotox webinars: https://reachtraining.eu/en/seminars


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