UFI Codes – New Duties from January 2021
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/11 of 29 October 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures as regards information relating to emergency health response
Importers and downstream users placing on the market mixtures for consumer use, within the meaning of Section 2.4 of Part A of this Annex, shall comply with this Annex from
1 January 2021.
Importers and downstream users placing on the market mixtures for professional use, within the meaning of Section 2.4 of Part A of this Annex, shall comply with this Annex from
1 January 2021.
Importers and downstream users placing on the market mixtures for industrial use within the meaning of Section 2.4 of Part A of this Annex, shall comply with this Annex from
1 January 2024.
Importers and downstream users having submitted information relating to hazardous mixtures to a body appointed in accordance with Article 45(1) before the dates of applicability mentioned in Sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 and which are not in accordance with this Annex, shall for those mixtures not be required to comply with this Annex until 1 January 2025.
By way of derogation from Section 1.4, if one of the changes described in Section 4.1 of Part B of this Annex occurs before 1 January 2025, importers and downstream users shall comply with this Annex before placing that mixture, as changed, on the market.
UFI Codes
A new label element will appear on product labels from 2021 – a 16-character code called the unique formula identifier (UFI).
By 2025, the UFI will be mandatory on the label of all products classified for health or physical hazards. Importers and downstream users placing such products on the market, will have to provide specific product information, including the UFI, to poison centres.
Tools and support to generate the UFI are available on ECHA’s Poison Centres website.
The acronym ‘UFI’ (the same in all EU languages and alphabets, and not to be translated) must be in capital letters and be followed by a 16-character alphanumeric code. The code is divided into four blocks, each separated by a hyphen. While no specific requirements have been set, for instance, for font type or size, the UFI has to be clearly visible and legible on the label of the product.
Given the variation in label sizes, and other labelling requirements competing for label space, the UFI should be positioned so that it is easy to locate (e.g. near the barcode or hazard pictograms). In essence, you must determine how the UFI is displayed on the product in the most effective manner to assist with its communication to poison centres.
More information – Safety data Sheets on Ekotox: https://ekotox.com.ua/safety-data-sheet-sds/
Actual Ekotox webinars: https://reachtraining.eu/en/seminars
- Legislation and Regulatory Compliance Services (EU REACH, CLP, detergents, RoHS, WEEE, POPs…)
- Safety Data Sheets and products/mixtures registration on the EU member states markets (Poison Centers), UFI and more
- Biocides
- Cosmetics Safety
- Chemicals risk assessment / management
- Environmental Health & Safety & Risk Assessment
- Occupational Health & Safety & Risk Assessment
Ekotoxikologické centrum CZ
Centrum Ekotoksykologiczne (PL)
Ekotoxikologické centrum Bratislava, s.r.o. (SK)
Tomášikova 10/F, 821 03 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
Tel.: +421 (2) 4594 3712, 4594 5223
E-mail: ekotox(at)ekotox.eu
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